Kat Kova Fitness

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Welcome to Kat Kova Fitness!

There is sooo much fitness, nutrition, mindset and biohacking information that I want to share you!

However, (just so you know), we have a spam free policy, so the emails you will receive will be very occasional but relevant, including information about all things health, supplements, discount codes, and the upcoming Kat Kova Fitness Podcast, just to mention a few!

‘Looking healthy aesthetically and being healthy intrinsically are two different things’.

If you are interested in finding out more about my coaching, as well as various fitness, nutrition, mindset and biohacking tips and tricks make sure to check out my social media platforms listed at katkovafitness.com (where I will be posting regular videos and updates!)

If you would like to apply for coaching with us at Kat Kova Fitness, get in touch via the contact form on the website or book a free discovery call below.

From there we can look at how we can help support you in achieving your fitness and nutrition goals… and becoming the best version of you!

I believe that through making the right lifestyle changes, you can upgrade yourself to becoming the best version of you! I can help you get there. I have experience working with all ages and body types.


My clients are based worldwide and range from women completely new to exercise, those who hate exercise, busy CEOs, performers, new mums, former yo-yo dieters.


Regardless of where you are starting from and what your goals are, I am confident that together, we can get you on the right path to reach them.


‘There are many coaches and personal trainers out there, so why would you choose to work with me?


I incorporate all the things I've learnt over the years in order to help you maintain your results and I don't just focus on one thing, eg. weight loss.


With me you will see improvements in not only your physical health but also more importantly, your wellbeing.


You will feel more energised. It is much more than just a physical transformation. I look forward to joining you on your new transformational fitness journey!


Kat Kova

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